Friday, March 27, 2009


Today we photographed Olivia for her one year session. It always fun to watch the children dig into the cake!! Here are a few images from the session.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Adrian - Rock Bridge Senior Rep

Adrian is our senior ambassador from Rock Bridge. Here are some fun facts and images from her session tonight:

Favorite bands: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Death Cab for Cutie

Favorite place to shop: Forever 21

Favorite food: Cereal

Favorite quote: "All suffering is not equal."

Favorite book: There are lots....maybee Angels and Demons.

Favorite actor and actress: Heath Ledger for sure.

What will you miss most about High School: I'll miss seeing all of my friends everyday and just having everything be kind of care-free.

Dream job: Being an artist would be pretty sweet.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sarah - Boonville Senior

Tonight we photographed Sarah. She is a senior this year.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Whitney - Pilot Grove Senior Rep

Whitney is our senior ambassador from Pilot Grove. Here are some fun facts and images from her session tonight:

Favorite thing about your town: It's so small, everyone knows each other.

Favorite concert: Spice Girls, Blake Shelton and Trace Adkins

Your role model: Candace Parker

Why: She is an amazing athlete and I want to be able to achieve all the same things she has.

Favorite place to shop: Buckle

Favorite food: Spaghetti

One word that best describes me: Athletic

What will you miss most about High School: My friends and sports.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hannah - Fayette Senior Rep

Hannah is our senior ambassador from Fayette. Here are some fun facts and images from her session this weekend:

Favorite TV Shows: One Tree Hill and What I Like About You

Favorite Magazine: Seventeen

Favorite Place to Shop: American Eagle and Buckle

Favorite Restaurant: Outback Steakhouse

Favorite School Subject: Chemistry

What Will You Miss Most About High School: I won't miss high school at all :)

Where Do You Want To Go To College: University of Missouri

Dream Job: Magazine Editor or Journalist

Friday, March 20, 2009


Today we photographed Sophie for her one year session. We photographed Sophie at both three and six months. We love to have the opportunity to capture the milestones a child goes through as they grow. Our milestones package allows us to capture these moments at a huge savings to you!! The package includes reduced rates on sitting fees, as well as a free collage with an image from every session. For more details, check out our website or contact us. Below are images of Sophie at both her three and six month session, as well as some images from today.
Three Months

Six Months

One Year

Monday, March 16, 2009

Emily - Boonville Senior Ambassador

Emily is our ambassador from Boonville. Here are some fun facts and images from her session this weekend:

Favorite Bands: Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Dave Matthews Band, Jack Johnson

Favorite Magazine: Nylon

Favorite Movie: Into the Wild

Favorite Food: My mom's Potato Supreme

Dream Job: College Philosophy Professor

Favorite Websites: Facebook and

Your role model: My sister because she's always been one of the most influential people in my life. I've met very few people with the morals, principles, and compassionate nature she has and follows on a daily basis

Your two best qualities: Optimistic and Compassionate

What are you looking forward to most after college: Joining the Peace Corps

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Either in a van or on a plane, so that I could travel all the time. I never want to live anywhere for too long, traveling and experiencing different cultures/parts of the world is a must.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Maggie - Hickman Senior Rep

This weekend we started shooting our senior reps for the 2009-2010 school year. We will be shooting senior reps from nearby schools for the next few weeks. The reps will take their images to school and show off our work. Juniors, make sure you find our rep at your school for savings and specials on your senior shoot. If you are not sure who your senior rep is, contact us.

Today we photographed Maggie from Hickman. Here are a few fun facts about her as well as some images from her session:
Favorite thing about your town (Columbia): True/False Film Festival
Favorite Restaurant: Macaroni Grill and Flat Branch
Favorite TV Shows: Lost and That 70's show
Favorite Quote: "You have enemies? Good, that means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
Favorite Movie: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Your two best qualities: Humor and dedication
Your role model: Coach Jon Strodtman Why? He never fell to adversity
Dream Job: Not having a job :)
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Australia, because I like their accents
Favorite thing in your room: pictures of friends and family

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Jordan and Halle

Today we photographed Jordan and Halle for Jordan's three year session. Both kids warmed up pretty fast when they were given suckers! Here are a few images from the session.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Three Generations

Tonight we took pictures for three generations of a family. The family included a mother, daughter, and great grandmother. Here are a few images from the session.