Friday, April 24, 2009

Emily-BHS Senior

Since we are taking off for about a week, we decided to post some videos of our 2010 senior reps. Here is Emily, our BHS rep.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Olendorff Family

Today we photographed the Olendorff family. Their daughter is turning one this month. Here are a few images from the session.

Kaysie-BHS Senior

Last night we photographed Kaysie from Boonville. Here are a few images from her session.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Gramlich Family

Tonight we photographed the Gramlich family. Here are a few images of from the session.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Haley - Ashland Senior

Tonight we photographed Haley from Ashland. She is a senior this year.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Maternity Session

This morning we had a maternity session. The mother-to-be is due in mid May. Here are a few images from the session:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Leutung Family

This week we photographed the Leutung family. Here is an image from the session.

Kylie - Boonville Senior Rep

Kylie is one of our senior ambassadors from Boonville High School. Our session was cut short today because of the rain and cold temperatures. Here are a few images from the session:

Kayla - New Franklin Senior Rep

Kayla is our senior ambassador from New Franklin. Here are some fun facts and images from her session last night:

Favorite Place to Shop: American Eagle

Favorite Restaurant: G & D Steakhouse

Last Movie I Saw: Marley and Me

Favorite Actor and Actress: Reese Witherspoon & Chad Michael

Favorite School Subject: Agriculture

Dream Job: Vet or Rancher

Where Do I Want To Go To College: Northeastern Oklahoma, A & M, or Northwest

What Do I Want To Be Doing In 10 Years: Raising Show Cattle

Amanda - Prairie Home Senior Rep

Amanda is our senior ambassador from Prairie Home. Here are some fun facts and images from her session last night:

Favorite Song: "Whatever You Like" & "Fall For You"

Favorite TV Show: Law & Order SVU, Made

Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Ice Cream

Favorite Restaurant: Sophia's

What Superhero Power I Would Like to Have: Fly

Dream Job: School Teacher

Favorite Magazine: Seventeen

Favorite Vacation Spot: Colorado

Monday, April 6, 2009

Brittany - Glasgow Senior Rep

After a week of being gone to several photography seminars, we are back at it this week. Brittany is our senior ambassador from Glasgow. Here are some fun facts and images from her session tonight:

Favorite TV Shows: CSI, Biggest Loser, Amazing Race
Favorite Bands: The Wreckers, Brooks & Dunn, Julianne Heugh

Dream Job: Nurse Anesthetist

What Do You Want To Be Doing In 10 Years: Raising a Family

My Two Best Qualities: Good Listener and I Have a Loving, Bubbly Personality

If I Could Live Anywhere In The World, It Would Be: London Because Of The Vast History

My Role Model: Papa Sheperd

Why: He Risked His Life For His Country To Protect The Freedom Of America