Monday, April 6, 2009

Brittany - Glasgow Senior Rep

After a week of being gone to several photography seminars, we are back at it this week. Brittany is our senior ambassador from Glasgow. Here are some fun facts and images from her session tonight:

Favorite TV Shows: CSI, Biggest Loser, Amazing Race
Favorite Bands: The Wreckers, Brooks & Dunn, Julianne Heugh

Dream Job: Nurse Anesthetist

What Do You Want To Be Doing In 10 Years: Raising a Family

My Two Best Qualities: Good Listener and I Have a Loving, Bubbly Personality

If I Could Live Anywhere In The World, It Would Be: London Because Of The Vast History

My Role Model: Papa Sheperd

Why: He Risked His Life For His Country To Protect The Freedom Of America

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